How we help

Unique care for every child, beyond their diagnosis

We believe therapy should be highly individualised… and of course fun!

Every kid has their own quirks, strengths and set of challenges regardless of their diagnosis. 

At Mobi Kids, we don’t follow a cookie-cutter approach. Instead, we tailor therapy to each individual child’s unique needs, so they can keep up with their school friends, play with their siblings, participate in family outings and just be kids!

We are here to help with children from 0-16 years old!

Babies and Toddlers

Babies develop at their own pace, and sometimes they can take a bit longer to reach their developmental milestones. Proper early development is crucial as it lays down the building blocks for your little one’s future growth and development. Early intervention is vital to make sure your child has the foundations to succeed in the future.

For example, army crawling is an important stepping stone in your child’s growth as it prepares the big toe for producing power. If your child skips this milestone, they may struggle with jumping and running in the future.

Your baby might benefit from therapy if they:

  • Favour turning their head to one side/ Has a flat head
  • Are not bringing hands together at midline
  • Are not reaching developmental milestones
  • Have asymmetries in posture or use of limbs
  • Have low tone/ high tone/ mixed tone
  • Have global developmental delay
  • Bum shuffle
  • Are not reaching for and holding (grasping) toys
  • Are not tracking or focusing on objects
  • Are not making eye-contact showing interest in others
  • Are not starting to babble
  • Are not smiling or interacting with people
  • Are not using gestures (e.g. pointing, waving, gesturing to show)
  • Take more than 30 mins for bottle or breast feeds
  • Take a long time to eat or drink

At Mobi Kids, we use a holistic therapy approach to support your child in a seamless transition into primary school. We focus on getting your child feeling ready for school so they can focus on being confident and excited about learning!

Your preschooler might benefit from therapy if they:

  • Are unable to walk up and down the stairs independently
  • Are unable to draw lines and circles
  • Are uncoordinated running
  • Have difficulties with catching, throwing or kicking a ball
  • Are unable to open and close their lunch box
  • Have a short attention span
  • Demonstrate big emotion meltdowns with transitions between activities
  • Cannot be understood when talking
  • Have difficulty understanding instructions and responding to simple ‘WH’ questions (e.g. Who, what, when, why)
  • Have difficulty manipulating small objects (e.g. threading beads)

Primary school is the formative time for your child as they continue to develop the skills necessary for them to thrive in their academic and social development. During this stage, children refine and build upon the foundational skills that were established in preschool.

Some focus areas may include:

  • Messy or unorganised handwriting
  • Having troubles sitting still and attending for classroom activities
  • Inability to independently complete everyday routines such as feeding and dressing
  • Inability to hop or balance on one leg
  • Difficulty with understanding instructions and responding simple and complex questions
  • Difficulty naming letter sounds (phonemes)
  • Having troubles blending letter sounds together to read words (e.g. c-a-t = cat)
  • Difficulty recounting an event or explaining their feelings
  • Fussy eating, including texture or flavour avoidance

Adolescent years can be difficult to navigate, especially for those who have additional needs.

Your adolescent may benefit from therapy if they:

  • Are unable to perform age-appropriate self-care tasks (e.g. brushing hair, buttoning and tying shoe-laces)
  • Have troubles preparing easy-to-make meals
  • Don’t develop independent living skills e.g. daily routine management
  • Have difficulty understanding new concepts
  • Have a hard time making friends as well as starting and maintaining flow of conversations
  • Struggle to read, infer and understand a range of text types
  • Need support with forward planning as they transition through later high school years into adulthood
Babies and Toddlers

Babies develop at their own pace, and sometimes they can take a bit longer to reach their developmental milestones. Proper early development is crucial as it lays down the building blocks for your little one’s future growth and development. Early intervention is vital to make sure your child has the foundations to succeed in the future.

For example, army crawling is an important stepping stone in your child’s growth as it prepares the big toe for producing power. If your child skips this milestone, they may struggle with jumping and running in the future.

Your baby might benefit from therapy if they:

  • Favour turning their head to one side/ Has a flat head
  • Are not bringing hands together at midline
  • Are not reaching developmental milestones
  • Have asymmetries in posture or use of limbs
  • Have low tone/ high tone/ mixed tone
  • Have global developmental delay
  • Bum shuffle
  • Are not reaching for and holding (grasping) toys
  • Are not tracking or focusing on objects
  • Are not making eye-contact showing interest in others
  • Are not starting to babble
  • Are not smiling or interacting with people
  • Are not using gestures (e.g. pointing, waving, gesturing to show)
  • Take more than 30 mins for bottle or breast feeds
  • Take a long time to eat or drink

At Mobi Kids, we use a holistic therapy approach to support your child in a seamless transition into primary school. We focus on getting your child feeling ready for school so they can focus on being confident and excited about learning!

Your preschooler might benefit from therapy if they:

  • Are unable to walk up and down the stairs independently
  • Are unable to draw lines and circles
  • Are uncoordinated running
  • Have difficulties with catching, throwing or kicking a ball
  • Are unable to open and close their lunch box
  • Have a short attention span
  • Demonstrate big emotion meltdowns with transitions between activities
  • Cannot be understood when talking
  • Have difficulty understanding instructions and responding to simple ‘WH’ questions (e.g. Who, what, when, why)
  • Have difficulty manipulating small objects (e.g. threading beads)

Primary school is the formative time for your child as they continue to develop the skills necessary for them to thrive in their academic and social development. During this stage, children refine and build upon the foundational skills that were established in preschool.

Some focus areas may include:

  • Messy or unorganised handwriting
  • Having troubles sitting still and attending for classroom activities
  • Inability to independently complete everyday routines such as feeding and dressing
  • Inability to hop or balance on one leg
  • Difficulty with understanding instructions and responding simple and complex questions
  • Difficulty naming letter sounds (phonemes)
  • Having troubles blending letter sounds together to read words (e.g. c-a-t = cat)
  • Difficulty recounting an event or explaining their feelings
  • Fussy eating, including texture or flavour avoidance

Adolescent years can be difficult to navigate, especially for those who have additional needs.

Your adolescent may benefit from therapy if they:

  • Are unable to perform age-appropriate self-care tasks (e.g. brushing hair, buttoning and tying shoe-laces)
  • Have troubles preparing easy-to-make meals
  • Don’t develop independent living skills e.g. daily routine management
  • Have difficulty understanding new concepts
  • Have a hard time making friends as well as starting and maintaining flow of conversations
  • Struggle to read, infer and understand a range of text types
  • Need support with forward planning as they transition through later high school years into adulthood

Get in touch with our friendly team to chat about your child’s unique goals and challenges

We are here to support your child's progress, every step of the way

We understand that as parents, you may have concerns about your child’s development and well-being. At Mobi Kids, we don’t take a one size fits all approach. We understand that each child has their own unique qualities. We are here to support you every step of the way – whether it is a concern about progression towards developmental milestones, feeding, speech, independence with activities of daily living or social skills.

If you have concerns about your baby’s or child’s development, make an appointment to see one of our experienced paediatric team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists.

A doctor’s referral is NOT required. Assessment and treatment of your child’s condition can start immediately.

Our therapists are experts in treating a wide range of issues that may affect your child’s developmental milestones.

These include feeding, speech, gross motor skills, and independence with activities of daily living.

  • Prematurity

  • Low birth weight

  • Intolerance to tummy time
  • Global Developmental Delay (GDD)

  • Plagiocephaly/ Brachycephaly

  • Torticollis / Wry neck (head tilt)

  • Clubfoot

  • Preferential one-sided use of limbs

  • Brachial plexus injury

  • Muscle tightness/ asymmetries

  • Developmental Hip Dysplasia (DDH)
  • Tongue ties

Fine Motor

  • Hand dominance
  • Bilateral Integration
  • Finger Isolation
  • Hand and finger strength
  • Dexterity
  • Handwriting
  • Self-Care Tasks (e.g. buttoning, zipping, or using utensils)

Gross Motor

  • Developmental milestones (e.g. crawling, standing, walking)
  • Functional transitions (e.g. moving from sitting to standing)
  • Lower limb strength and endurance
  • Muscle tension or tightness
  • Core strength
  • Lower limb weight-bearing
  • Body awareness
  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Down Syndrome
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Spina Bifida
  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  • Prader-Willi Syndrome
  • CTNNB1 Syndrome
  • Chromosome deletion syndromes
  • …and more
  • Developmental hip dysplasia (DDH)
  • Scoliosis (excessive spinal curvatures)
  • Bowed / Knock knees
  • Clubfoot
  • Arthrogryposis
  • Growing pains
  • Fracture and post-casting management
  • Flat feet
  • Plagiocephaly and torticollis
  • Turtle bracing to improve range in calf and hamstring muscles
  • Speech Sound Disorders
  • Language Delays and Disorders
  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
  • Fluency Disorder (stuttering)
  • Social Skills
  • Voice Disorders
  • Autism and its associated challenges
  • Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) for non-verbal communicators
  • Regular coughing, choking or gagging during meals
  • Stressful mealtimes
  • Meals/feeds that take more than 30 mins
  • Difficulty breathing during or after meals, which could include a wet/gurgly voice, wheeze or blocked nose
  • Chest infections or Pneumonia
  • Slow weight gain/growth
  • Signs of reflux or vomiting
  • Signs of dehydration, including constipation
  • Single-Event Multilevel Surgery (SEMLS) 
  • Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) 
  • Hip osteotomy surgery 
  • Tenotomy 
  • Serial casting  

What outcomes can I expect for my child?

We are dedicated to empowering your family and nurturing your child’s success.

What our families say

Learn more about how we can help!

We are proud to be a fully NDIS registered practice and can treat children of all ages

Get in touch with us to discuss your child’s specific needs.