We see your child's potential and we push the boundaries beyond their diagnosis

Lauren with Kyro on race runner bike

We help you better understand your child’s developmental needs

Our comprehensive approach involves looking beneath the surface in order to connect the dots. We develop a tailored program and equip you with the tools to best support your child. We specialise in delivering fun and engaging physical and functional paediatric therapy for children of all ages. 

Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of those with neurological and developmental needs through compassionate care and a family-centered approach.

Check out what we do!

We see children of all ages from 0 - 16 years!

Our highly skilled and compassionate multidisciplinary team offer comprehensive assessments to uncover the root causes of your concerns. We deliver innovative therapies that are transformative and have a long-lasting impact on your child’s life. This involves intensive programs and ongoing therapy sessions that are both effective and enjoyable.

We celebrate your child’s progress, each stepping stone at a time, no matter how big or small!​

Mobi Kids Stepping Stones

Welcoming a newborn child into your life is such a joyous occasion however it can be filled with concerns and questions regarding developmental milestones.

  • We provide a thorough assessment of your child in relation to their
    developmental milestones.
  • If there are any concerns we then devise a treatment plan to give your child the
    best possible start to life!

Fine and gross motor skills are crucial for your child’s everyday function and
participation in daily activities.

Fine Motor Skills

  • Fine motor skills involve the intricate movement of smaller muscle groups (like those in your hands and fingers).
  • These skills are essential for tasks like writing, buttoning up a shirt or using utensils and are closely linked to cognitive and sensory function.

Gross Motor Skills

  • Gross motor skills encompass movements in the larger muscles of the body (like your legs and trunk).
  • These muscles are in charge of movements like crawling, walking, running and
  • These are fundamental skills that your child needs to navigate their environment safely and confidently.

Our team works to develop these skills during our sessions to support and enhance future quality of life.

We specialise in assessing and treating children with rare neurological and genetic
conditions. We aim to dive deep beneath the surface to find the root causes, ensuring that our expertise and comprehensive approach go beyond the diagnosis.

  • Early intervention is imperative to influence a child’s developmental trajectory and long term health outcomes.
  • Addressing concerns early enables us to utilise the brains amazing ability to
    adapt and reorganise – this process is called Neuroplasticity!
  • This can involve a high volume of task practice and repetition while the young brain is still malleable – accelerating goal achievement and supporting your
    child’s development.

Children can sometimes face a range of different orthopaedic and musculoskeletal
issues including growing pains, fractures, joint disorders, and congenital conditions. This can impact your child’s mobility, comfort, and overall development.

We aim to restore function and alleviate pain by delving into the underlying causes of impairments and concerns, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to

Communication begins very early. Skills of eye contact and joint attention lay the
foundations for babbling, speech sounds, words and language. Encouraging
communication through talking and reading to your child can significantly enhance these skills.

Early Intervention is crucial for children who need support for speech and language
development. Addressing challenges early can improve outcomes in social interactions, academic success, and overall personal growth, laying a strong foundation for future communication abilities.

Feeding difficulties can affect a child’s growth, nutrition and overall wellbeing. Challenges can come in the form of fussy eating, trouble with certain textures, or challenges transitioning to solid foods. These issues can stem from sensory sensitivities, motor delays, or medical conditions.

Addressing feeding difficulties early can help improve a child’s ability to eat a variety of foods, support proper nutrition, and enhance their mealtime experience. If your child is facing feeding challenges, our Speech Pathologists can provide strategies and support for better feeding outcomes.

Children living with disability may sometimes undergo surgery for various reasons.
These procedures can include muscle lengthening, tendon transfers, hip surgery (hip
osteotomy), SEMLs or Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery.

We understand high quality rehabilitation before and after surgery is essential to
minimise complications and support your child’s return to mobility and independence. Our goal is to manage pain, improve mobility, rebuild strength and promote your child’s functional independence through a personalised plan of care.

Play Video about Teddy has made incredible progress with ongoing physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

Featured Story

Meet Teddy

Teddy was diagnosed at 4 months old with a rare genetic abnormality called CTNNB1 Syndrome. Teddy’s parents, Lucy and Peter, became concerned when they noticed difficulties with Teddy’s head control and weight bearing through his legs.

Teddy is now almost 3 years old and has made incredible progress with ongoing physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Check out this video to see how far Teddy has come in his therapy journey!

Check out our articles and resources on the blog

We are proud to be a fully NDIS registered practice and can treat children of all ages

Get in touch with us to discuss your child’s specific needs.